Big Daddy Just Broke My Heart…

This morning: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! My day has officially been made!!! I can’t stop giggling!! I think my face is red. I’m trying super hard not to smile but I can’t help it. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Oh my gosh!!! What did I do to get this so randomly! Oh my gosh!!!!! Is this what true happiness feels like? I am officially ready to go to heaven and tell St. Peter that I have officially lived.

Today I walk into the office so glad that it is Friday. Do you know what this means? Sleep!! Big Daddy just walked in. His in black and maroon. He looks amazing. He doesn’t say much and that’s pretty normal. His silence is magnificent.

So I’m stalking people on Instagram, wondering how I can find a rich prince to marry when I notice Big Daddy standing in front of me. His hands are outstretched. I look at him quizzically. This is new, random, completely out of character. I’m worried but also excited. I ask him if he wants to give me a hug, he nods his head. Still not talking much I see but okay. I am pretty excited at this point. I’ve never seen him so much as side hug anyone before. I push my worries aside and get up for a hug.

It is warm, cozy, the kind you need to calm you down. He smells clean with a hint of cologne or maybe deo? It isn’t the kind of hug where his hands are at my waist, those are usually inappropriate (sighs dramatically). But it feels like it was on his To-do-list maybe or it was to satisfy my curiosity? Anyway, I just hope he did it because he wanted to.

As we stand at the coffee machine, I ask (after I’ve smacked the smile off my face) if he is okay. He says his fine and he adds that he is leaving the company.

My world stops.

I don’t know what to think.

I ask why.

He says he wants to leave and pursue his dreams, that he’s scared but he’s ready to do it. Conquer his fears and be happy. A part of me is proud and the other part of me is depressed. I had just gotten used to him here but now he’s gone. What’s going to happen now?

I notice Natsu watching me and I’m embarrassed. I don’t know why but I am. I bid Big Daddy success and that we’ll catch up later and sit on my desk. Natsu isn’t watching me anymore. Did I have a weird expression on my face? Was it obvious that I enjoyed being around Big Daddy? That I was heartbroken? Why should I be embarrassed though?

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